QMS for Telecommunications Industry

TL 9000 is a Quality Management System, specifically designed for the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industry. It was developed by the Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications (QuEST) Leadership Forum in 1999 for improving the design, development, production, delivery, installation, and maintenance of telecommunication products and services. It was created to focus on supply chain directives throughout the International telecommunications industry.

TL 9000 Certification in China is one of the many services offered by TopCertifier, the global consulting and certification solutions provider. China has a booming telecommunication industry. With the advance into the internet age, the industry is only getting bigger and better. TL 9000 certification helps to improve standards and increase efficiency. We deliver TL 9000 certification services across all cities in China like Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Wuhan etc.

The expected benefits of TL 9000 certification include improved organizational performance, overall cost reduction, increased competitiveness, enhanced customer-organization-supplier relationships, and continual improvement of products and services. It helps in identifying ways to cut costs, speed up delivery and increase revenue. TL 9000 leads to the organized and effective management of external audits and site visits.

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